Submission Time Over!

That’s it! It’s over. The end. Fin. Yesterday the submission period for Triliteral finally closed, and we are no longer accepting scripts. Thanks to everyone who submitted, and good luck! We spent yesterday shortlisting our healthy stack of fresh, hot-off-the-printer stageplays down to a more manageable number, and they are now ready to be sent off to the judges (to be revealed soon!) for final selection. We’ll be in touch with successful entrants within a month.

Shortlisting was surprisingly painless. Richard, Daniel and I seem to trust each other’s judgement enough that we were able to get through the pile pretty quickly! We even had time for a delicious Sunday roast cooked by our gracious host, Richard Pilgrim*. Effectively, this means that Daniel and I can relax a little bit now- of course, there are always bits and bobs to do, but it’s nice to not have ‘if-no-one-submits-it-will-surely-ruin-us’ stress any more. The superb quality of a lot of our scripts is also massively reassuring!

More good news- Arts Council England have granted us funding! Their letter came the other day, much to our relief. Their contribition will making it immeasurably easier to mount Triliteral, and we’re incredibly grateful to these clever, prudent people. All in all, February has been a successful month for Halden Theatre. Let’s hope things only get better.

Richie G

*Spare a thought for this poor man, who has returned to full-time employment and as such spent this glorious March day slaving away in an office. He will be sorely missed…

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